Vegvisir Symbol Night Lamp | Nordic Viking Style Desk RGB LED Lamp
Though this doesn't come from Fafnir's cave of treasures, my people were able to gather some wood from the great tree Yggdrasil and I had my carvers design this beautiful wood so that the magic of the tree can light up your room, workspace, or game room. If this becomes an item you like, then I will have the wood carvers create additional designs.
Design of this nordic style desk/night lamp is inspired by viking culture. Can be easily used as a night lamp, just regulate brightness to comfort level. Use an LED controller to choose the mode and colors that you like most.
Materials: dyed 3mm plywood, RGB LED strip (USB connection) length of cable 90cm (35.4 in)
Size of the Lamp: WxDxH(cm): 8.5x8.5x28 WxDxH(in): 3.35x3.35x11
20 color modes: Neon blue, Neon Green, Cold White, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Deep-sky, Purple, Orange and other.
Each product is made individually to order.
Item will be dispatched by Lithuanian Post Service, PRIORITY Air Mail + Tracking number. Expedited shipping (FedEx) option is available at checkout.
Estimated shipping time to:
United States – 9-21 business days;
Australia – 2-4 weeks
Canada – 2-4 weeks
Europe – 9-17 business days;
Other countries – up to 21 business days.
I will do my best to meet these shipping estimates, each order will be dispatched as soon as it possible, it helps to come shipments faster. Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee shipping estimates, because after dispatching, shipment is out of my control. If shipment is lost or late, I always take care of it and try to solve the problem.
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