Our Story

Welcome weary traveler!

You wish to know about our story and how I came to open up shop huh? Well, you did come a long way across the Rainbow Bridge to get here, so fine I shall tell you! Take a seat and have some mead while I regale you of my tale.

Fafnir's Hoard is a shop that has been a dream of mine for a number of years. I wanted to create a store that would merge my favorite pastimes together, Norse/Viking heritage and tabletop roleplaying games, and share them with fellow travelers and adventurers like yourself. I wanted a place where stories could be shared and created, and along my journey to create such a place I found the fabled hoard of Fafnir.

Fafnir was a dwarf who, from his greed, turned into a dragon in order to protect his fast wealth of treasure, but was later slain by Sigured. Instead of claiming it for himself, he decided to leave the hoard behind, and due to his actions has allowed me to find it and lay claim to its vast treasure.

Now that I have found my source for the shop I needed a place to house the items, so I took the Rainbow Bridge and found this beautiful place and built it here. How do I get my items from the fabled hall you ask? Well I have brave adventurers go and bring me back what they find and I keep only the best items and put them on the shelves for you to purchase.

Well,I'm sure that is enough about me for now haha, go ahead and finish your mead and enjoy your time looking around the store.


Our belief

Being on this journey I have learned to believe that, you don't need to be the bravest or strongest to start adventuring, sometimes it just takes opening the door and taking that first step. Now adventuring can be anything, wether that be deciding to leave your job to pursue something that makes you happy, or deciding to move to a different state or country. It can be deciding to take the step to follow a new faith or something as simple as starting a new school or hobbie.

Anytime we do something new it begins a journey and you will either succeed or you will fail, but you will never know unless you take that first step. This has been something that, to be honest, I have struggled with doing, but I am glad I have decided to take that step and begin the journey of creating this store. Who knows maybe I will even be able to open a physical store someday!

Eitherway, I hope you can see our belief in this and you are able to find your inspiration here in the shop to help you begin your first step, even if its just for your character in a roleplay game you are starting!

Safe Journey Friends

Thank you again for coming and for your curiosity into us. You can follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. We look forward to hearing about your adventures.